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No Suds, But Scrubs in Nasty Nassau Hall

Students of Nassau Hall are frustrated this semester after some of the washer and dryer machines in Nassau Hall failed to operate.

On September 7th, move-in day, resident students of Nassau Hall arrived to not-so welcoming conditions in the laundry room basement. Students say that approximately two out of the four washing machines were fully functioning in a hall of about one hundred students. Also, one out of five dryers was out of service, though no “Out of Order” signs were designated for any of the equipment at the time. “It’s not fun going to the laundry room and not knowing which machines are operating or are broken,” says junior Erica Hultman.

Due to the recent backup of clothing in the laundry room, concerns about washing machines and dryers have been brought to the attention of campus facilities. As of September 22nd, Campus Life Coordinator, Ariana Livreri, in Nassau Hall, has begun working towards finding a solution for the Nassau Hall laundry room. She contacted Maytag, the company who maintains the machines and said the staff called Maytag the morning of September 22nd.

There are a few theories as to why the washers and dryers are not operating correctly.

According to Livreri, students overload machines, “filling them up to the top,” and as an effect, the weight of the clothes are “too much” for washers. For the dryers, the “heat is there,” however, the spin cycle breaks because of all of the clothing. Also, she admits, the machines are older, and could just need maintenance or replacing.

As Residence Life works towards making the laundry room conditions better, students have become impatient. “It is very inconvenient that some of the washers and dryers don’t work,” says junior Brittany Mitchell. “We have a limited of options to choose from and the broken washers and dryers make it even worse.”

On the other hand, some students notice improvements, like no-pay machines, but still see consistent issues concerning the laundry room. Junior Poppy Hill, an international student, said, “It is better than my previous years because washing and drying is free of charge, but the washers and dryers have always been broken.”

Residence Life acknowledges the need for new washer and dryer equipment not only in Nassau Hall, but in all of the residential housing. “I was informed by the head of campus life that the washer and dryer machines in all of the laundry rooms will be replaced by new equipment periodically throughout the fall semester,” said Resident-assistant of Nassau Hall, Ketan Parmar, “Though the changes are slow, they are surely coming.”

Under the leadership of Campus Life Coordinator, Ariana Livreri, and the diligence of resident assistants, Nassau Hall’s future is poised to improve. “We need to be proactive as a hall,” Livreri says, to keep the laundry room less crowded. Management will “create a do’s and don’ts list,” she stated. This list will act as a guide for residents to wash and dry their clothes properly. In addition, Nassau Hall plans to “move toward a new company” for the washer and dryer machines.

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